Stepping Peacefully

I’ve worn some Holy Socks in my time and they’re fun but a) I don’t want to copy and b) mine are hand-knitted which is a whole different experience to wear.  Footwear of the gospel of peace as mentioned in Ephesians 6.  I was also thinking of the nine fruits of the Spirit – a whole set of socks!  How to incorporate them into the socks in a subtle way?  More about seeing them as you put them on, and knowing that’s what you’re wearing, than about showing them to other people.  A silent prayer with every step.

“the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, genrosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Galatians 5.22-23

I thought I’d start with Peace (although it was tempting to start with joy as the shortest word).  I also thought I’d experiment with a slight rib all through the socks.  Trying two new things at once was a challenge but then I gave myself permission to not feel they had to be perfect.  I’ll wear them myself so wee mistakes in the rib aren’t the end of the world (at least not worth loads of time working back) and I could try different size writing for each foot.  Not sure it was worth the extra time involved but I’m certainly happy to wear them.